home > our collection > mini’s
Our MINI’S collection feature small size toys... think of them as appetizer size of our larger shreddables. All size beaks love this little size, hang a bunch across the cage for a nice variety of textures to chew.
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wishbone wishbone
Price: $27.00
cobbler cobbler
Price: $30.00
banana banana
Price: $60.00
maui onion maui onion
Price: $58.00
waxbean waxbean
Price: $30.00
7” long tortola
Price: $56.00
7” long scallop
Price: $37.00
raspberry raspberry
Price: $29.95
grapes grapes
Price: $29.00
salsa salsa
Price: $28.95
toys sampler toys sampler
Price: $100.00
6” long rainbow cookies
Price: $28.00
6” long cannoli
Price: $25.00
3” long glazed donut
Price: $43.00
cherries cherries
Price: $35.00
peach peach
Price: $25.00
waterfall waterfall
Price: $45.00
hazelnut hazelnut
Price: $33.00
mini tuna mini tuna
Price: $25.00
paper, palm & soft wood. 4” long dragonfruit
Price: $30.00
5” long mini orchid
Price: $30.00
4” long riceball
Price: $23.00
7” long bora bora
Price: $26.00
6” long dumpling
Price: $25.00
petunia petunia
Price: $25.00
6” long Melba toast
Price: $39.00
mini pretzel mini pretzel
Price: $31.00
5” long fried artichoke
Price: $35.00
jellybeans jellybeans
Price: $65.00
5” long scallion
Price: $37.00
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